

I am changing this blog a little.  It comes in line with my new, about to launch business  Life Without Strings.  This current nici.stanford blog will be more about travel, food and fossic  – the jewellery I make.(check out the Fossic page on

I would love you to join Life Without Strings as well, when the time comes. I promise you will be the first to know.

So to launch the change I bring to you Scotland.  I have returned from 19 days and 2,500 kilometres of this amazing country.

I am not going to blog this content  – there are too many photos but heres a little taster  and here is the link to view the rest

Breathe in beautiful Scotland.





Scotland is stunning. It’s soft colours – heather purples, moss greens, muted greys, deep blue oceans and storybook fluffy clouds. Be prepared to be amazed.

A note on the weather. All I will say is, if the sun is shining, get out there and enjoy. It’s cold, damp, cloudy, misty, windy, sunny and warm. That’s all in one summers day. As a Scot said to us – ‘ If you can see the hills it’s not raining but it will soon, and if you can’t see the hills, it’s raining.’ Bring the big jacket with the serious hood, the gum boots, the layers and the scarves. Pack, keeping in mind another great saying, ‘no such thing as bad weather just bad clothing’.

What I can’t understand is why there is nothing here. You drive for an hour between villages and they may only be 4 houses large. Most houses are kind of average if not poor looking. Where are the castles and houses of the rich that should adorn these amazing lands? Where are the helipads and glamour restaurants – because the settings are worthy of them??

Enjoy x

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